We are proud announce that as from last week BluePoint Yachting is an OPACMARE AUTHORIZED SERVICE POINT while all our technicians have attended the 2018 training and maintenance program regarding all Opacmare components and accessories.
Quality has always been Opacmare primary choice, from raw materials to production process, our target is to grant our clients a reliable, top Quality product.
All the aesthetic and functional features of each item are fully checked and tested throughout the entire manufacturing process and final approval procedures. All steps are accurately registered by detailed check lists in compliance with the most qualified Certification bodies such as ABS, Bureau Veritas, Lloyds and RINA, the Italian Naval Register.
In the year 2000 Opacmare has obtained the UNI EN ISO 9000:2001 Certification and UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 in 2004, both by RINA, the Italian Naval Register.
The check and test procedures involve the design team and their search for eco-friendly materials, the production and anti pollution devices and processes, clients and suppliers that shall grant shall grant an appropriate maintenance for the product and a correct disposal at the end of its life cycle, in total respect for sea life and environment.
All members of Opacmare After Sales staff are specifically trained on these aspects which the Company considers essential.
To maintain and honour its basic principles, Opacmare has established a Technical School, managed by its former senior technicians. The Company organises recurrent updating courses addressed to After Sales staff, shipyard personnel and Service Points technicians.
For further information contact us at : aftersales@www.www.bpyachting.com